Forming without conception, beyond the thinking mind - 'non-conceptual art'
I don't 'know' what I'm doing. Or even: 'I' am doing nothing. Creation is happening. By its own. I'm just giving the space for it. And this process is as easy as passionate...
But sometimes the source of my inspiration is showing up in my consciousness. It's the same power you see at work in all of nature, on the energetic level. That's why I use to call my sculptures 'non-conceptual', or 'organic' or even 'archetypal forms'. And as these inspirations are emerging in my mind, they may take on some caracteristics of my own constitution, or some soul-quality may incarnate in them and give the work its specific drawing...
My advice for the watcher would be: look at them with your heart, not with your mind. This way, you may open a new dimension of perception, much closer to life than mind can ever be...
Any questions? ... contact me
Non-Conceptual Form No. 110, Black Poplar on metal, cracks filled with red resin, 2024, Height ca. 140 cm, € 4000,-
Non-Conceptual Form No. 109, beech on metal, cracks and fork filled with red and blue resin, 2024, Height ca. 110 cm, € 3000,-
'Rotten Oak Tulip', oak on pine, 2024, treated with resin, height ca. 99 cm, € 4900,-
This wonderful split of a huge oak - which is not really rotten - is prepared to walk through the centuries just as a healthy wood would do.
Non-Conceptual Form No. 107 (schlichte Form), Red Oak on Beech, 2024, cracks filled with red resin, Height ca. 183 cm, € 1400,-
'Energy Bundle', Willow-Tree on metal Ground, cracks filled with red resin, 2024, Height ca 110 cm, € 2400,-
Tall Form, beech on oak, cracks filled with red resin, coated with rubin shellack, 2024, Height ca. 210 cm, € 2200,-
'Space creating or the simple beauty of an egg' poplar on white cedar, cracks filled with red resin, surface covered with transparent resin, 2024, Height 88 cm, Price on request
Non-Conceptual Form No.103, cherry-tree on walnut, cracks filled with red resin, 2024, Height 150 cm, € 2000,-
Non-Conceptual Form No. 100 (Power of Nature), black poplar on steel, cracks filled with red epoxy, 2023, Height 186 cm, € 6000,
Non-Conceptual Form No. 101, Douglas Fir on stainless steel, cracks filled with red resin, 2023, Height 186 cm, € 1800,-
'I'm open', beech on steel, cracks filled with red resin, polished with red shellack, 2023, Height 148 cm, verkauft
Non-Conceptual Form No. 97 (Amphora), cherry-tree on steel, cracks filled with red epoxy, 2023, Höhe ca. 110 cm, € 1700,-
Non-Conceptual Form No. 96, Kirsche auf Alu, Risse ausgegossen mit rotem Kunstharz, 2023, Höhe ca. 115 cm, € 1200,-
Diptychon 'You look like me', cherry-tree, cracks filled with red resin, 2023, height 177 cm, € 2800,-
'Innocence', Buche, mit schwarzem Schellack behandelt, 2022, Höhe 55 cm,€ 800,-
'Orion', Buche, z.T. verstockt, Risse mit dunkelrotem Kunstharz ausgefüllt, teilweise getönt mit rubinrotem und goldfarbenem Schellack, 2015, Höhe ca. 170 cm, € 8800,-
Non-Conceptual Form No. 90, 2022, Höhe 2,22 m, € 9000,-
Sehr alte Kirsche, Risse mit rotem Kunstharz ausgegossen. Der Ausdruck, den ich erlebe, ist ungefähr: 'Ich habe gelebt. Ich bin durch Höhen und Tiefen gegangen. Ich habe mir Wunden und Narben zugezogen. Und bin gewachsen. Das Leben hat mich gezeichnet und mich reifen lassen. Jetzt bin ich versöhnt. Ich habe gelebt.'
Non-Conceptual Form No. 91, Kirsche auf Ahorn, Risse mit rotem Kunstharz ausgegossen, 2022, Höhe ca. 173 cm, € 3600,-
Non-Conceptual Form No. 89, Kirsche auf Ahorn, Risse mit rotem Kunstharz ausgegossen, 2022, Höhe 195 cm, € 2400,-
'Don't think I'm Two', Kirsche auf Kirsche (Risse mit rotem
Epoxid ausgegossen), 2022 , Höhe 195 cm, € 2800,-
'Eisenbahnschwelle', Buche auf Ahorn, mit rotem Schellack eingelassen, Risse mit rotem Epoxidharz ausgegossen, 2022, Höhe 185 cm, € 1500,-
'Dancing Serpants' (Tanzende Schlangen), Zwetschge auf Nuss-
baum, Risse ausgegossen mir rotem Epoxid, Sockel eingelassen
mit schwarzem Schellack, 2022, Höhe 155 cm, € 2900,-
'Zeugungskraft', Kirsche, 2007, Höhe 140 cm, € 1800,-
s. a. nachflolgendes Video für weitere Details und Erläuterungen...
'Impromptu', Kirsche, behandelt mit dunkelrotem Epoxidharz, 2022, Höhe ca. 155 cm, €2800,-
'Paar', Buche auf Kiefer, behandelt mit Epoxitharz und eingelassen mit schwarzem Schellack, 2021, Höhe 180 cm, € 5200,-
'the scream', in Memoriam E.M., hardened beech, treated with red resin, 2021, Height 135 cm, € 1900,-
'See what you see', Fir, 2021, Height 75 cm, € 700,-
'Egyptian Love', beech on maple, treated with ruby shellack and resin, 2021, Height ca. 180, € 2500,-
'Phantasy', cypress on metal ground, 2021,
Height ca. 198 cm, € 3500,-
'little Love', maple on steel, 2021, Height ca. 130 cm, € 1200,-
'music, please!', cherry-tree on oak, 2021, Height ca. 107 cm, € 1500,-
'Em Bryos', Ahorn auf Ahorn, 2021, Höhe ca. 115 cm, € 3600,-
'Tanne', Tanne, 2020, Höhe ca. 120 cm, € 800,-
'Stille bewegt', Douglasie (Risse ausgegossen), 2020, Höhe ca. 50 cm, € 2300,-
'Andante Maestoso', Ahorn (Maple), 2020, Höhe ca. 142 cm, € 6000,-
'Andante Maestoso', Detail
'I hear you', Erle, 2020, € 1400,-
'Twins', maple, 2020, Height 140 cm, € 1400,-
see video @
'Duo', appletree, 2020, Height 150 cm, € 2200,-
see video at
'Portal', beech (Buche verstockt), 2020, Height ca. 80 cm, € 1500,-
'Infinite Power of Love', poplar, height 165 cm, 2019
'in contemplation', white cedar on beech (treated with black shellack), 2019, height 135 cm, € 600,-
abstract form (the little devil king), plumtree,
height 163 cm, 2019, € 3200,-
Formless Form, Poplar, Width 100 cm, Weight 91 kg, 2018/19, € 3500,-
Formlose Form, Pappel, Breite 100 cm, Gewicht 91 kg, 2018/19
Faun, Robinia, Height 160 cm, 2018/19, € 2600,- (with detail)
Female Form, Plumtree, Height 156 cm, 2018 € 2500,-
Weibliche Form, Zwetschge, Höhe 156 cm, 2018
'I am very still and detached on one side, on the other I am really excited and involved', Thuja (White Cedar), Höhe 128 cm, 2018, € 1800
'Vibration', 'Sensing Upwords'
Totem, Zwetschge, Höhe ca. 135 cm, 2017 € 3800,-
'male and female form in Oneness', 'Fantaisie Humoresque', 'mybass'
Board of Birth / Geburtstafel, Buche, Höhe 187 cm, 2016, € 3000,-
In Flow / Im Fluss, Buche, Höhe 182 cm, 2016, € 3000,-
'Tianzi-Fels', 'Zwei Gazellen in Eiche', 'PerSona'
'Kirsch massiv', Höhe ca. 170 cm, 2006/07, € 3800,-
'Spiel im Wasser', Länge ca. 170 cm, Nussbaum, 2009, € 3900,-