artwork and cognition for a new earth
                           Skulpturen, Gedichte und Bilder von Hans-Jürgen Gorenflo (

Über mich

   Ich wurde 1958 in Stutensee bei Karlsruhe geboren.

Abitur. Reisen.

Studium der Mathematik in Montpellier/ Südfrankreich, Studium Generale in Karlsruhe, Besetzerszene im Berlin der 80er Jahre, dazwischen immer wieder Fabrikarbeit und Rucksackreisen, die mich über die halbe Erde führten.

Autodidaktische Studien und Meditationen in jahrelanger Zurückgezogenheit. Im Zentrum stehen Sinnfragen und die Erforschung des Denkens. Entdeckung der Sprache als Urkünstlerin.

1990-1995 Ausbildung zum Sprachgestalter in der Schweiz, danach Eurythmiesprecher. Tourneen in Mittel- und Nordeuropa.

Seit 1997 wohne ich wieder in Stutensee und bin freiberuflich tätig mit Rezitationen und Lesungen, mit Kursen, Seminaren und Vorträgen im Bereich Sprache und Dichtung.

Anfang 2006 erschien mein erster Gedichtband (Zwiegespräch im Ich), gleichzeitig erste Ausstellungen meiner Holzskulpturen und Bilder.

Seither rückt wieder ins Zentrum, was sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Biografie zieht: das Erkenntnisleben. Es hat die Persönlichkeit weitgehend aufgelöst, und dahinter erscheint die Unendlichkeit des reinen Gewahrseins, das Selbst im eigentlichen, universellen Sinn.

Den größten Erfolg als Bildhauer hatte ich bislang 2016, als ich von Saatchi-Art ausgewählt wurde, an der Ausstellung '40 upcoming artists around the world' in Hollywood teilzunehmen.

       The Miracle of 'Me'

When I was a little child, the sun was always shining. I woke up in the morning, put on my shorts, and couldn't await to get outside. We wandered across the fields, played at our little creek, and everything was so alive, so beautiful. Literally, in my memory, the sun was always shining and had a gentle and soft smile on its face.

Then I a came to school, the world got bigger, and I had to compete with my comrades there - I didn't like that. On the school-yard, there were always issues, and I got beaten several times. Fear moved into my heart, its dark shadows grew longer and covered soon the innocent sun of my childhood.

As an adolescent, doubt joined the fear. There were so many questions. Who am I? What am I doing here? What is life? Why are the adults so silly and unjust? Why do they build up society in this primitive way? I was completely helpless and felt deeply insecure. I lived in continious inner stress. I didn't even remember the smiling sun of my childhood.

When I was 21 my father took his life. This was too much of a pain to endure. I decided, to remove all feelings. I took the flight into my brain, suppressing all emotions violently. And here I stayed for twenty years, assimilating knowledge and trying to cognize this whole thing. I knew so much. And I wanted so much. I build a huge mansion of thought, in which I lived in. It felt passionate, as if I had to do this. It gave me a place and a stand in this world.

I didn't recognize, how poor my life had become. In my education as an actor, I learnt the art of letting go. This helped me now, in my early forties, to revive my frozen heart. My soul learnt to breathe in emotions again. In the following years, I had several little break-throughs. Infinity came into my horizon. But there was an abyss, and I didnt see how to cross it. I only knew: mind cannot take me over. All of which led to the final melt-down of my mind in february 2019. My mansion collapsed in a split second. Person was over. Realisation started.

I was 60 years old, and a new life began. A new dimension of life.

Today I know nothing. I want nothing. But the sun shines again brightly, and I bear its smile in my heart. And when I look back at this exciting journey, I see a wondrous composition of an angel, a living artwork – far, far beyond my reach.